AnnoTree Frontend

This is the frontend of AnnoTree, that is used to browse and explore GTDB microbial genome data. Full website is at:


To create a standalone instance of AnnoTree that include frontend, backend, and database, it is recommended to use our docker installer.

The following is for developer use.


npm install

Set up app/Config.js

cp app/Config.js.sample app/Config.js
# You need to change parameters in Config.js
# if you have the backend in debug mode running in, then change SERVER_BASE_URL to ""

Start the application in development mode

npm run start

If npm run start failed, try switching node version to 6.x.

Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Build for production

npm run build

This will generate many html,js files in the public folder. You can point Apache DocumentRoot to public folder to serve web pages, or symlink /var/www/html/annotree to public folder

Here is a sample apache config:

    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    # here we created a symlink /var/www/html/annotree that points to public folder
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
    # alternatively use DocumentRoot /var/www/html/annotree
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/gtdb_frontend_error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/gtdb_frontend_access.log combined

Now you can visit to see served pages. Please make sure that app/Config.js is pointed to the correct backend URL.

Issues and contributing

Please feel free to open an issue on Bitbucket page for developers to review.