AnnoTree Landing Page

This is project is based on Freelancer landing page

#Installing and Updating

Making sure you have node6

Gulp-sass, part of the build tool here works well with node 6.x

use node --version to check your version, if different, proceed to to install nodeenv that customizes your node environment. Specifically:

sudo easy_install nodeenv
# do NOT use root user now, otherwise script will be stuck
nodeenv node6 --node=6.14.4
. node6/bin/activate
# you have node 6 now
node --version
# should say 6.14.4
npm install
node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js
# the default job compiles all SCSS files and minifies javascript, you should be good to go

Running in dev mode, real time update in browser

node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js dev

Making production files

node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js dev

Linking with main app

Symlink in this folder app/ to the public/ folder in annotree-frontend, so that all requests to <base url>/app/ gets redirected